After dinner he spent some time with the holoscope, studying Elias's most precious possession:
the Bible
expressed as layers
at different depths within the hologram, each layer according to age. The total structure of
Scripture formed, then, a three dimensional cosmos that could be viewed from any angle
and its contents read. According to the tilt of the axis of observation, differing
messages could be extracted. Thus Scripture yielded up an infinitude of knowledge
that ceaselessly changed. It became a wondrous work of art, beautiful to the eye,
and incredible in its pulsations of color. Throughout it red and gold pulsed, with strands of blue.
Philip K. Dick: The Divine Invasion, pg. 69
Each time I read this quote I am astounded at the mystery of poetic intelligence. As far as I know,
Philip K. Dick never contributed anything to the actual understanding of Scripture as a hologram, yet here
he has written a description that I could not surpass - save for the reference to its organization according
to age - though I have worked on the thesis of the Bible as Holograph for over a decade!
I was first informed of the existence of this quote after I wrote my initial manuscript - The Holographic
Structure of the Holy Scripture - detailing my gematria discoveries. I had not yet discovered the Wheel.
After showing my manuscript to a friend, she informed she had read about the Bible as a hologram in
one of Dick's novels, but couldn't remember which one. I found the quote in 1999.
As a whole, the Divine Invasion failed to impress me. Except for the quote above, I
found very little insight into the big questions of God and Existence. He seemed mostly to be
just playing with the Kabbalistic concepts. Perhaps I just couldn't get past the
seemingly blasphemous tossing about
of various Divine Names as if they were so much grist for his fiction mill. It is for this reason
I can not recommend the book.